Fierce control of public finances of the government through artificial intelligence computer systems free of any manipulation and human intervention.



To have an efficient computerized artificial intelligence system, designed for the supervision, control, surveillance and supervision of all operations carried out in the Current Account of the Balance of Payments of the country. Registration of all transactions: income, expenses, public goods and related operations, which are made in the main accounts, secondary accounts and any public account associated with the Nation.

Through its artificial neural networks it is capable of detecting movements that are out of the ordinary, previously not established or suspected of having an improper handling and marking them to be investigated, by notifications and alerts.

The core of the program is an immutable system under a decentralized database structured by articulated chains gives it the characteristic of being free of any human manipulation. Able to create records and send notifications to authorities when an intruder tries to access or violate the system, sending Meta information related to the attack.


Derivative program that allows to the Republican Moral Council (Public Defender, General Attorney and Comptroller of the Republic) and to any other official(s) and / or authorized Public Organization(s) to have access to consultation and / or notifications of all operations and transactions that are incumbent of Government, Public Companies, Organizations, Entities, Institutes, etc.

To check data on operations to which accounts or which funds were sent and from which they were subtracted. Subsequent movements to different accounts, regardless of the infinite number of final accounts to which those funds were transferred, containing meta information complete data, relating not only to the amount transferred; information regarding the description and reason of the movement, time, date, identification of the terminal and the person who performs the operation is also stored.

LEVEL 2 Access to the community / Social Control”

Derivative program that allows to the people of a country to consult the operations are incumbent on all accounts of the Public Finance, Public Enterprises, Organizations, Institutions, Institutes, etc.

To check data on all operations, contracts and transactions carried out with contractors and different public and / or private entities or public officials among themselves that have to do with the Rēs Pūblica. Containing Meta information of complete data, relative to the description of the different mercantile movements carried out. Thus the people have the possibility of supervising and supervising the use of the financial resources of their neighborhood, urbanization, town, region, state and even the nation.


To have an efficient computerized artificial intelligence system, designed for public bids and electronic administration of the requirements of the Public Entities. The system is totally autonomous and anonymous in the whole process.

The core of the program is an immutable system under a decentralized database structured by articulated chains gives it the characteristic of being free of any human manipulation. Able to create records and send notifications to authorities when an intruder tries to access or violate the system, sending Meta information related to the attack.

“If the cup is not clean, what you spill into it will be corrupted”

Horacio (65 AC – 8AC)

Sustainable Legal Bases (Laws) for implementation

of these Computer Systems in Venezuela:

  • Ley Poder Popular del 21/12/2010 Gaceta Oficial Nro. 6011:
    Art. 1
    Art. 2
    Art. 6
    Art. 8
    num. 6, 7, 11, 12,
    Art. 11
    num. 5
    Art. 19
    Art. 23
    Art. 24
    Art. 30
  • Constitución de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela (1999) – Contraloría Social:
    Art. 51
    Art. 62
    Art. 141
    Art. 143
    Art. 315
    Art. 168
    Art. 184.
  • Ley Orgánica de la Administración Pública:
    Art. 138
  • Ley Orgánica de Planificación (2001):
    Art. 14
    Art. 58
    Art. 59
    Art. 60
  • Ley Orgánica de la Contraloría General de la República y el Sistema de Control Fiscal (2001):
    Art. 1
    Art. 6
    Art. 14
    Art. 24
    Art. 25
    Art. 75
    Art. 76.
  • Ley de los Consejos Estadales de Planificación y Coordinación de Políticas Públicas (2002):
    Art. 9
  • Ley de los Consejos Locales de Planificación Pública (2002):
    Art. 5
  • Ley Orgánica del Poder Público Municipal (2005):
    Art. 37
    Art. 77
    Art. 255
    Art. 259
    Art. 272
    Art. 274
    Art. 275.

  • Ley de los Consejos Comunales:
    Art. 1, Art. 33, Art. 34
  • Ley del Consejo Federal de Gobierno:
    Art. 5
  • Ley contra la corrupción y para la salvaguarda del Patrimonio Público. Asamblea Nacional Septiembre 2016.

Capítulo 1 Disposiciones Generales: 
Art. 8
Art. 9
Art. 10
Art. 14
Art. 20
Art. 46
Art. 47
Art. 51
Art. 12
Art. 101 Disposición transitoria.


Donor Member

With your monetary contribution you support with the development of technological tools, to apply it efficiently in the Rēs pūblica “public affair” to promote the order, the ethics, and morality in the Public Administration. Your contribution can also be represented by any assets, real property, electronic money, etc.

Volunteer Member

If you want to be an active part of that group of people that contributes to producing positive changes in the world, join us.